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Working with the community in Ampthill

30th January 2025

We have been working alongside Ampthill Councillors and the community to oppose a planning application for a site near Houghton House.

CPRE Bedfordshire have strongly objected to the application on a number of grounds.

We believe the location of the site is inappropriate for housing development (as was decided in the Central Bedfordshire Council call for sites), lacks sustainable transport links to amenities in Ampthill Town centre, and the proposed housing mix, with a significant number of dwellings for older people, is wrong for a site outside the settlement envelope and distant from medical facilities.

Any commercial benefit would be far outweighed by the damage to the rural character and value of a site close to important natural (Greensand Ridge, Forest of Marston Vale) and historic (Ampthill Park, Houghton House) assets and is therefore not consistent with the requirements for sustainable development in the National Planning Policy Framework 2024 and the application should be denied.

You can read our full response in the PDF below:

Response to CB – 24 – 03746 OUT Final

The consultation period closes on 14th February 2025. You can find information about the application and how to have your say on the Central Bedfordshire Council planning portal.

Houghton House